Theres a new clan out there
I u havent noticed theres a new clan and there lookin prtty good fro just startin 3 days ago
we r lookin for godly tpkers to tryout /w *esc.fate or ne other esc.??? that u see
U win 4 v 1 10 kills in 5 mins ur in it as ez as that goodluck
edit: split post to new thread
EsC Clan
EsC Clan
RapE U4 ShZzLE U KnoW that iTs TrizZLe
I SliCe anD I DIce tiLl U beG 4 Ur LiFe
U cAn BeG 4 uR Mercy Cuz I am Ur KING_
But SteP Up OuTTa tHe gaTe aND ILL RaPE u AGaiN
I SliCe anD I DIce tiLl U beG 4 Ur LiFe
U cAn BeG 4 uR Mercy Cuz I am Ur KING_
But SteP Up OuTTa tHe gaTe aND ILL RaPE u AGaiN
screenshots go under the screenshots category~~