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wf dean trys banning me, damn that backfired on u too! wtf
Posted: December 19th, 2006, 2:54 am
by FeaR
s i t t h e f u c k d o w n, you are officially my bitch. slappppppped
and this little bitch decided to b a follower, nty
Posted: December 19th, 2006, 12:05 pm
by Storm
oh i didn't know one kill after 3 years means making someone ur bitch now, but let's examine how many times u get made a bitch in a week
it's np that's not being raped or anything
i got more when imageshack isn't lagging ^^;;, still wanna ss war? u don't look like a dumb fuck at all trying to post ur 1-2 kills against our full page an threads of ur deaths. nice point ur making there!