ROFL plz kids act like u can take my bt barb 4v1....with 2 chanted barbs AND a fucking din ROFL yet my 1 handed bt barb still raped your team twice???!?!? thx bitch I fucking TOLD you not to start a goddamn s/s war with me u cocky pos.
Now uh lets observe there party shall we? as you can see Renkenenzu is partied with quizers and has chant;;;..THX
Please act like any of you low class deuchebags have any fucking thing on me...... Go back to d1 and learn some pk skills b4 u step the fuck up to Daddy bitches.
Quizers raped 2-0 4v1 by a bt barb ROFL ez bitches thx~
Quizers raped 2-0 4v1 by a bt barb ROFL ez bitches thx~
XpLiciT #1 no contest~