who is this "tina" (as we all know)
is HE trying to make us think HE is a SHE?
tina.. we all know u have a scrotum already so..
Tina is a....?
Tina is a....?
Does any1 have an alien at their house that Jennie Zhi Chen (Ki-Ke/ w/ *pichu818) can have sex with? cuz Dalton doesnt want to have sex with him anymore, and Cummo, she, i mean he, doesnt let Jennie play Diablo 2 that much, so Jennie decides to Starcraft, someday, she'll die Starcrafting =)....................
(Y) <--Flip upsidedown
I'm Bunnay!
(Y) <--Flip upsidedown
I'm Bunnay!